I gave up wearing my regular jeans. They were pinchy and I get bloated and it's REALLY pinchy. I was just going to buy bigger jeans but someone gave me maternity jeans and caprees so I figured they are free, may as well use them. I feel kinda weird in them and they don't fit me right, but I'm sure I'll grow into them.
My favorite thing about being in the second trimester is I'm not as nauseous and tired. I still get pretty sleepy, but it's controllable. I have a new issue, though. I get dizzy if I move too fast or get up fast. Easily avoidable, really.
My mom, my best friend, Zach, and my dr have a running bet. My dr thinks I'm going to have a boy. Mom and Charlie are going with girl. Zach thinks it'll be a girl. I think it's going to be a girl (when I have dreams about the baby, it's always a girl). I will officially find out on April 12th! I am thinking about telling people via home made cards.I know it's kind of dorky but I love sending real mail and getting mail (it's such a dying art). Zach and I are going to look at stationary tomorrow!!