
Friday, October 22, 2010

Zach's Story

We went to bed at around 0300. After dreams of Voldemort, pickles, flying guitars that could talk, and cupcakes we woke up at 0600. I lay in bed thinking "God please make it 0300 again. I got out of bed around 0620, made some oatmeal, and our day started. Poor Amber. I waited until Amber and her mom left to go to the doctor to shower, then stepped out to head to school. I had my bag, lunch, and even my work clothes... But the keys were still on the recently added hook near the door.

Thankfully our bikes were not locked up so I hopped on mine and rode for the rental office. Halfway there I realize that I forgot to air up the tires for the last... 2 months. After a long, quad-killing, ride I arrived out of breath. Thinking the door was locked I stood on the office porch for 5 minutes. Turns out it was not locked. I got the spare key, rode home, unlocked the house and almost locked the spare in the house, sans-keys. I managed to sacrifice a hand to prevent overwhelming stupidity.

I only arrived 35 minutes late for my first class. The teacher was cool about it. Turns out most of the homework group I was in did not show up... For one of them it was very understandable: If you have kids in public school in this area they are sick, or will be soon. School went well.

Work was another matter entirely. The guy who was to help me called off. Again. Again... He calls off 3-4 times a week. "It's medical, they can't fire me." Yeah, but they can stop scheduling you so that you can no longer come in and work on Sunday for that $1 premium. Seriously! Only day he works is the one on which he gets paid more. Way to forget that those other 4 days would have made you more money than that one!

People are idiots.

But it was all worth it when I learned Amber's surgery went well. She will be on her road to recovery for a while, but when it arrives life will go on. Heck... It's going on right now.

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