
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Where have I been?!

So I realized I've been technologically mute for awhile. Zach doesn't like posting on the blog all that much, so our poor blog has been left alone.

The main thing on my mind at the moment is the fact that I've stopped losing weight, which is really weird. I figured for sure when I got this job I'd drop weight like crazy. I am on my feet for 12 hours a day. I'm not exaggerating in the least bit. It turns out that my hospital gets a lot the heart problem people in Central Illinois and even a little beyond that. There are a lot of people with heart problems. I never knew it was this bad...

So anyways, I'm moving for 12 hours. Lifting people (usually rather LARGE people), moving them, changing their bedding, bathing them, taking vitals, so on and so forth. I'm not sure how I'm not losing anything. My meals consist of a bagel (sometimes only a half) with whipped cream cheese for breakfast, a cup of low fat vanilla yogurt with whatever unsweetened frozen fruit happens to be in my fridge for lunch, and dinner is whatever Zach makes or leftovers (as of late it's been chicken soup). I am so exhaused when I come home I usually eat then pass out on the couch after an hour (which is kinda bad, I'm told).

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. On my days off I'm sore like I worked out in a gym for an unnaturally long time so I can't do much in the way of exercise. I'm thinking of trying a really light yoga workout on my days off just to stretch my muscles, but just the thought is exhausting.

In other news it's looking more and more like we're going to move into "the house" as we like to call it. Dad is completely gutting the bathroom and redoing it. He's trying to get my grandma to let him fix the kitchen counters/cabinets and put in bamboo flooring. If he manages all that it would actually be a nice looking house. I'm almost excited about moving there because I'm tired of smelling my neighbors. If they smoke or cook, we get to breath in the smelly nastiness. Also, they have a HUGE dog that likes to play on the stairs so it sounds like a group of kids are running up and down them. Their dog also likes to bark at night, which makes Shadow bark and whine.

I'm hoping this is a good decision...


  1. Sounds like you are making good choices with eating and activity. Keep at it and don't give up.

    Maybe if you added a meat/nut/protein to your breakfast you would have a bit more energy. I find it helps me with energy and tiredness if I eat a little meat/nut/protein at each meal and snack time. But that is just me.

  2. As Zach giggles in my ear (he's such a perv) that sounds like a good idea. Maybe instead of cream cheese on my bagel, some peanut butter? My boss likes to keep junk food in her office at all times for us to eat but I've requested a trail mix. The next day or so there was a HUGE container full of almonds, cashews, raisens, and a bit of chocolate pieces in it. I've made an appt with my doctor for tomorrow so maybe she'll have something to add.
