
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Short Trip - Long Drive!

Tonight I went off the deep end. I was working on homework and then I remembered I needed to go to the library and print off a shipping label for one of our phones which needs repair. I went, printed, picked up a DVD they were holding for me, and left the library. On the way home I realized the car was sluggish. Sluggish mind you. So somehow I arrived at "it will be all better if I check and fill the tires." Oh yes, that certainly (did not) solve it. After I left the gas station I got to the light where I would turn right to go home. I was in the left turn lane. It was a good 30 minutes before I asked the friend I had been talking to which way to go.

She chose right, so the next right I could take... I did. I drove north for a long time. Passed a town called Bellflower. "What a boring name" I thought. I knew this was not what I was looking for.

Next came a town called Saybrook. "Another boring name, this is no good either!" Halfway through their podunk backwater town I saw something that changed my opinion. They have an old school filling station. Repairs and gas in one place. It was shortly after making Saybrook a memory that the song First Train Home came on. 500+ songs on shuffle and this plays? I took it as a sign.

After more driving (some of which was behind a slooooow moving truck) I decided home was not coming fast enough, and also... Tardy must have some carbon build up after all those months of doing nothing ;). As soon as he was a memory I noticed something I am not sure how I missed it before: "That is the bridge for 57. I am home enough that I need to slow down."

Imogen Heap and Nightwish made the drive tolerable, I got to see something neat, and I feel a little better about my life. So, it would seem, going crazy on occassion can be good for you. :D

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