
Monday, January 18, 2010

Fog, log, and ... dog?

Yeah, I'm not really sure where I was going with the title... But I was going to complain about the weather. It is cold, wet, and gross. It was foggy for 4 days straight and I havn't seen the sun for at least 2 weeks. Today it's cloudy, misty, and rainy. We were next to foodless so we had to venture out into the nastiness to the grocery store. In the 45 minutes we were inside the store it went from misty and light to raining and dark. I am so ready for spring. I can handle rain if I knew that I can look outside at the bright green grass and watch as my tulips and daffodils sprout and bloom. I suppose I should enjoy the cold while we have it. Before we know it, it'll be 95 degrees, humid, and buggy.

As for the first weeke of school... It was actually pretty fun, color me sadist. The only issues I have is a teacher who won't call on me in class. Just because I refuse the offer to move to one of the closer seats doesn't mean I don't like you. What are real estate's Three L's? Location, location location! The spot I am in now is trash can adjacent, that's gold! Think of my re-sale value.
My computer teacher has some VERY good policies that I will deeply enjoy. For example: after x number (and we don't know what x is) tardies/absences the points start coming off the final. Play rock star enough and you can fail the final even if you get every answer right. Choose not to take the final because it seems pointless? Negative points, oh yeah! I'll pass.
My business teacher reminds me of someone... Seriously it is like Rachel in a pants-suit. Well... Rachel with some added bad habbits, the religion of pants-suit being one of them.
My english teacher, brace yourself, has a sense of humor. I know... Strange, isn't it? And... She cusses. Not excessively, but when she starts she figures "shirt's wet, might as well jump in the pool with my pants on."
As for my gender and society class... Totally hoping the book gets here before the first quiz. Faking it in an online course with a post-before-viewing policy on the assignment board is not possible. I suppose I could post gibberish so I can read their posts. Claim temporary insanity... Go streaking to support that theory... Yeah...

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